Skoda Felicia

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Felitsija
+ Cars of mark Skoda Felicia
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine repair
+ Systems of cooling, heating
- The power supply system
   + The power supply system of the carburettor engine of 1.3 l
   + System of the central injection (SPFI) the petrol engine
   + System of the distributed injection (MPFI) the petrol engine
   + The power supply system of the diesel engine
   + Systems of decrease in toxicity and release of the fulfilled gases
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment

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The power supply system


The carburettor power supply system - petrol models 1.3 of l

The general parametres
Type of the fuel pump
The expense of the fuel pump, sm 3 / mines
At frequency of rotation of the engine of 2000 rpm and a pressure of 1.2 kgs/sm 2 1000
At 500 rpm and a pressure of 1.0 kgs/sm 2 830
Idling turns, rpm 800 850
Turns of fast idling, rpm 2300 100
The carburettor
Type Pierburg 2Е3 (Jikov 28-30 LEKR)
Nominal смесительной chambers, mm
I-я The chamber 28
II th chamber 32
Jikov 28-30 LEKR
I-я The chamber 28
II th chamber 30
диффузора, mm
I-я The chamber 20
II th chamber 24
Тарировочные and the adjusting data
The main fuel jet
I-я The chamber 92.5
II th chamber 120
Air jet
I-я The chamber 100
II th chamber 100
Fuel jet of idling 45
Air jet of idling 130
Transitive system of II th chamber, mm 0.5
эконостата, mm
I-я The chamber -
II th chamber 85
Backlash throttle заслонки, mm
I-я The chamber 1 0.1
II th chamber 0.08 0.02
The moment of the beginning of opening of the second chamber, 55 5
Compulsory opening air заслонки, mm 2.5 1
Люфт at introduction in action of the second chamber, mm
Opening point “Y” 0.8 0.3
Opening point “Z” 0.4 0.3
Quantity of the fuel injected at opening throttle заслонки on 20 , sm 3 0.326 0.078
Backlash air заслонки, mm/bar
Small () 0.8 0.2/-100 3
Big () 2.0 0.2/-200 3
The needle valve of a float, mm 1.5
Weight of a float, г 5.74 5.95
Fuel level, mm 28 30 (8.5 10 mm below a cut of an interfaced surface of the case of the carburettor)
A spray of the accelerating pump, mm 0.4
A lateral jet of the accelerating pump, mm 0.15
Productivity of the accelerating pump at 20 градусном opening throttle заслонки, sm 3 3.8 6.2
System of the central injection of fuel (SPFI) - petrol models (Part)
The general parametres
System type Bosch Mono-Motronic
Type of the fuel pump Electric, погружной (it is established in a fuel tank)
The expense of the fuel pump, sm 3 / mines 1000 (at pressure of a food 12.5)
Adjustable pressure of fuel, bar 0.8 1.2
Turns of idling of the engine, rpm 750 850 (to adjustment are not subject, cope electronics)
The maximum admissible turns of the engine 5800 (cope electronics)
Electric resistance of an injector, Ohm No more than 3.0 (at 15С 30С)
The recommended grade of fuel
Minimum admissible OCTANESое number (for all models) PETROL 95, неэтилированное
Efforts of a tightening of carving connections Nanometer
Bolts/nuts of fastening of a casing of an air cleaner 10
Bolts of fastening of a fuel tank 25
The screw of a casing of a cover of an injector/gauge of temperature of soaked up air 5
Nuts of fastening of the inlet pipeline 25
Bolts of fastening of a basic flange of the case of a throttle to the inlet pipeline 10
Through bolts of the case of a throttle 15
Screws of the module of position throttle заслонки 6
System of the distributed injection of fuel (MPFI) - petrol models
The general parametres
System type
Engines of a series of 1.3 l 135М and 136М Simos 2P
The engine of series АЕЕ of 1.6 l Magneti-Marelli 1AV
Type of the fuel pump Electric, погружной (it is established in a fuel tank)
The expense of the fuel pump, sm 3 / mines 1100 (at pressure of a food 12.5)
Adjustable pressure of fuel, bar 2.5
Turns of idling of the engine (to adjustment are not subject, cope electronics), rpm
L models 1.3 790 25
L models 1.6 640 ё790
The maximum admissible level of the maintenance WITH in the fulfilled gases (to adjustment are not subject, cope electronics) 0.5 %
Electric resistance of an injector, Ohm 15 20
The recommended grade of fuel
Minimum admissible OCTANESое number (for all models) PETROL 95, неэтилированное
Efforts of a tightening of carving connections Nanometer
L models 1.3
Bolt of a basic arm of a regulator of pressure of fuel 0
Bolts of fastening of a fuel highway 20
Fastening of the inlet pipeline to a head of cylinders 25
Bolts of fastening of the case of a throttle 10
L models 1.6
Bolts of fastening of a fuel highway 10
Fastening of the inlet pipeline to a head of cylinders 20
Bolts of fastening of the case of a throttle 10
The power supply system of the diesel engine (Part D)
The general parametres
Operating procedure of cylinders 1-3-4-2
The maximum admissible frequency of rotation of the engine, rpm 5050 100
Turns of idling of the engine, mines-1 940 20
Turns of fast idling of the engine, mines-1 1050 50 (to updating are not subject)
Type ТНВД Lucas DPS
Pressure of opening of an atomizer, МПа 13
Type ECU MVE6A11
Efforts of a tightening of carving connections Nanometer
Bolts of fastening of a fuel tank 25
Counternut of fast idling 6
Bolt of fastening of the block of management иммобилизатора 25
Hollow bolts штуцерных connections of lines of giving and return of fuel ТНВД 25
Fastening of an arm of forward support ТНВД to the block 10
Bolts of fastening ТНВД:
Forward bolts 25
Back bolt 10
Bolts of fastening of asterisk ТНВД 25
Shtutsernye connections of fuel tubes of atomizers 25
Atomizers 70
Systems of decrease in toxicity and release of the fulfilled gases
Efforts of a tightening of carving connections Nanometer
Flange fixture каталитического the converter (model 1.3):
Bolts 13
Bolts 15
The coupling screw of valve EGR 10
Nuts of fastening of valve EGR to a final collector (are subject to replacement) 25
Bolts of fastening of valve EGR to the inlet pipeline 25
Nuts of fastening of a reception pipe of system of release of the fulfilled gases to a final collector:
L models 1.3 20
L models 1.6 25
Diesel models 40
Nuts of fastening of a final collector to a head of cylinders 25
Nuts/bolts of coupling collars of fastening of sections of system of release of the fulfilled gases:
Diesel models 70
Petrol models 20
L models 1.3 50
L models 1.6 55