Skoda Felicia

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Felitsija
+ Cars of mark Skoda Felicia
+ The maintenance instruction
- Routine maintenance
   Weekly checks
   - Car routine maintenance - petrol models
      The routine maintenance schedule
      Regular service
      Replacement of impellent oil and the oil filter
      Condition check колодок and disks of forward brake mechanisms
      Check of serviceability of functioning of a control system by the engine
      Check and adjustment клапанных backlashes (model 1.3)
      Check of a condition of hoses, and revealing of sources of leaks
      Check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts
      Suspension bracket and steering drive
      Check of a condition of components of system of release of the fulfilled gases
      Check of a condition of a cooling liquid
      Check of serviceability of functioning of coupling
      Greasing of locks and loops
      Check of structure of the fulfilled gases
      Adjustment of an optical axis of head headlights
      Check of serviceability of functioning of cleaners/washers of glasses/lenses of head headlights
      Trial runs
      Replacement of a filtering element of an air cleaner
      Replacement of spark plugs - l models 1.3
      Check of a condition of a belt of drive ГРМ - l models 1.6
      Greasing of the distributor of ignition - l models 1.3
      Check of a condition of a belt of a drive of auxiliary units
      Check of system of pillows of safety
      Check of serviceability of functioning of systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases of the engine
      Check of a condition of boots and drums of back brake mechanisms
      Check of serviceability of functioning of a lay brake
      Check кузовных panels on presence of traces of development of corrosion
      Level check трансмиссионного oils
      Replacement of spark plugs - l models 1.6
      Replacement of the fuel filter
      Replacement трансмиссионного oils
      Replacement газораспределительного a belt - l models 1.6
      Replacement of a brake liquid
      Replacement of a cooling liquid
   + Car routine maintenance - diesel models
+ Engine repair
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment

Спб аренда строительных люлек по материалам

Replacement of impellent oil and the oil filter


1. Regular change of impellent oil is one of the most important procedures of routine maintenance which can be executed own forces of the owner of the car. Eventually engine oil is exposed разжижению and to pollution that conducts to increase in speed of deterioration of internal components of the engine.
2. Before to start procedure performance, prepare all necessary tools and materials. Make sure available near at hand enough of pure rags and old newspapers for gathering of the spilt oil. In an ideal the engine should be preliminary heated-up, as hot oil possesses большей fluidity and is better washes away шлам. Working under the car, try not to touch hot surfaces of components of system of release of the fulfilled gases (in particular to каталитическому to the converter) and the power unit.
3. In avoidance ошпаривания and for protection of hands against harmful cancerogenic influence of impellent oil to perform work is better in rubber gloves.
4. For simplification of access to the components located under the bottom the car is better to lift over the earth and to establish on reliable props, or to tyre out it on a platform or a viewing hole. Without dependence from the chosen way, track, that the lifted car remained in horizontal position and if it is inclined, at an angle and in a direction, providing unobstructed вытекание oils through a drain aperture of the pallet картера. The raising over the earth only передка the car is admissible - do not forget to cock a lay brake strongly.
5. Having given fixing bolts, remove the bottom plate of protection картера. Besides the bottom plate lateral guards which can be left on a place are provided also, however thus it is necessary to observe extra caution not to be cut about their keen edges.

6. With the help накидного or a face key with a collar turn on on a half-turn a drain stopper of the pallet картера. Establish under a drain aperture capacity approaching on volume, then definitively turn out a stopper.

Turning out a drain stopper manually, all time press it to an aperture. When the carving will end, sharp movement clean a stopper, trying, that the oil stream has got to the prepared capacity, instead of to you in a sleeve.

7. Allow oil to follow during some time from the pallet картера, in case of need move in appropriate way drain capacity that the weakening stream has not started to spill by.
8. After all oil will be lowered, wipe pure rags a drain stopper, its sealing washer and a surface of the pallet round a drain aperture. Check up a condition of a sealing washer, in case of need make its replacement. Screw a stopper into place, tighten it with demanded effort.
9. Move drain capacity under the oil filter located on a forward part of the block of cylinders.

10. For initial отдавания the oil filter most correctly to take advantage of a special chain or tape key. Then it is possible to turn out the filter hands. Let out oil from the filter in drain capacity.

As the removed filter usually is not subject to a reuse, it can be turned out from the block, having taken advantage of the big screw-driver to which should pierce the filter through sideways.

11. Pure rags wipe a surface of the block of cylinders interfaced to the filter, completely having removed from it traces of oil and шлама. Having examined the removed filter, make sure that its sealing lining did not remain stuck to a block surface. If the such has occurred, cautiously remove a lining.

12. Slightly grease a lining of the new filter with pure impellent oil and screw the filter on the regular place. By hand strongly tighten the filter - at all do not use any tool in order to avoid lining damage.

13. Take from under the car drain capacity and the tool. Establish into place protection картера (track durability of a tightening of fixture) and lower the car on the earth.
14. Fill the engine through a jellied mouth with fresh engine oil of a demanded grade (the Section Weekly checks see). In avoidance проливания oils most correctly to take advantage of the butterdish equipped with a nouse, or a funnel. At first fill in half of nominal volume of oil and wait some minutes, having allowed to oil to flow down in the pallet картера the engine. Continue to fill in oil in the small portions until its level will not reach the bottom point in an edge measuring probeа. For lifting of level from the bottom mark on probeе to top it is required about 1.0 l of oil.
15. Start the engine and allow to it to work within several minutes, then examine on presence of signs of leaks the oil filter and a drain stopper of the pallet картера. Remember that at the first start of the engine after oil change the control lamp of pressure of oil will go out with a delay in some seconds necessary for filling of oil galleries of the engine and the new oil filter.

16. Muffle the engine, wait for some minutes, having allowed to oil to flow down in the pallet картера, then repeat level check, in case of need make corresponding updating.

17. The churned impellent butter is subject to recycling when due hereunder.

It is indecent and illegal to merge the fulfilled oil in the water drain - it is necessary to hand over it in special places of acceptance - consult on a car repair shop.