1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
2. Remove an inlet sleeve of an air cleaner (see Has undressed Removal and installation of assemblage of an air cleaner and components of an inlet path).
3. In view of the extremely limited access to the pump it will be reasonable to remove a radiator.
4. Operating according to the instructions resulted in the Head Repair двигателявыполните following actions:
a) Uncover a camshaft an external cover of a belt of drive ГРМ;
b) Result the engine in position ВМТ;
c) Throw off a gear belt from gear pulleys of a camshaft and ТНВД.
5. Now it is necessary to remove a cogwheel from shaft ТНВД. In process отпускания fixture the cogwheel should be blocked from проворачивания by means of approaching the adaptation which can be easily made of make-shifts (see Has undressed Removal and installation of a belt of drive ГРМ and its covers).
6. Release three fixing bolts and remove a cogwheel from a pump flange.
At all do not weaken the central nut of a cogwheel as it can lead to infringement of base installations of phases of injection. |
7. Preliminary having marked, disconnect from the pump hoses of giving and fuel return also disconnect from the returnable union a control hose.
8. By means of two nut key (probably it is necessary to take advantage of a cutting key with a cutting head) ослабьте штуцерные connections of rigid fuel tubes on back part ТНВД and each of atomizers. Remove assemblage of tubes from the engine.
Prepare for gathering of spilt fuel - enclose under distributed штуцерные connections rags. Try not to admit at all deformation of rigid fuel tubes. |
9. In order to avoid hit of a dirt in the power supply system at once закупорьте the open ends of fuel tubes and unions. Take advantage of the finger cut off from a rubber glove... |
..., Or muffle unions by means of the hollow bolt turned out from it who have been preliminary densely put in a piece of a hose approaching on diameter. |
10. Disconnect a vacuum tube from a drive of the device of increase of turns of idling on wall ТНВД. |
11. Disconnect a cable of an accelerator from arm ТНВД (see Has undressed Removal, installation and adjustment of a cable of an accelerator).
12. Preliminary having marked disconnect electroconducting from following components:
a) the Gauge-switch of pressure of oil at the left end face of a head of cylinders;
b) the Gauge-switch of temperature/pressure of oil on a basic arm of the fuel filter;
c) Two established in an arm on the left wall of the block of cylinders of sockets;
d) the Gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid on a knee охладительного a path in a forward part of a head of cylinders. |
13. Before removal ТНВД mark position of fixing bolts in oval apertures - at assemblage the pump should is established strictly in former position in order to avoid infringement of base installations of phases of injection.
14. Turn out a back fixing bolt and three bolts from the forward party of the pump (accompanying illustrations see). Make sure that nothing remains connected to ТНВД and take the pump from an impellent compartment.