Shkoda Felitsija
+ Cars of mark Skoda Felicia
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine repair
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
- Transmission
The general information
The description of knots and mechanisms
Removal and installation of draughts of a drive of a gear change
Replacement of epiploons
Check of serviceability of functioning, removal and installation of the gauge-vyklju-chatelja of fires of a backing
Removal and installation of the mechanism of a drive of a speedometer
Removal and transmission installation
Major repairs РКПП, dismantling and assemblage of knots and components
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment
Capital repair РКПП, dismantling and assemblage of knots and components
Components of a drive of the mechanism of a gear change
1 — the Handle of control lever РКПП
2 — Control lever РКПП
3 — the External protective cover
4 — the Internal protective cover
5 — the Jet bar
6 — the Rubber emphasis
7 — the Fixing collar
8 — the Bolt
9 — Raspornaja the plug
10 — the Lock ring
11 — the Remote washer
12 — Rubber rings
13 — Plugs of the spherical hinge
14 — Pylnik |
15 — Bolt М6
16 — the Washer
17 — the Rubber plug
18 — the Washer
19 — Draught of a drive of a gear change
20 — Kardannyj the hinge
21 — Connecting муфта
22 — the Pin
23 — Plastic plugs
24 — a bolt
25 — a draught Collar
26 — the Spring washer
27 — Nut М8 (18 Nanometers)
28 — the Pin |
Components of assemblage of a gear wheel of 5th transfer РКПП
1 — the Adjusting washer
2 — the Separator of the needle roller bearing of a gear wheel of 5th transfer
3 — the Internal holder of the bearing
4 — the Leading gear wheel of 5th transfer
5 — the Conducted gear wheel of 5th transfer
6 — the Nut (60 Nanometers)
7 — the Blocking ring of the synchronizer
8 — a synchronizer Spring
9 — the Nave sliding муфты the synchronizer |
10 — the Sliding key of the synchronizer
11 — the Nut (60 Nanometers)
12 — the Washer
13 — the Basic ring
14 — Sliding муфта the synchronizer
15 — a synchronizer Spring
16 — the Plug of inclusion of 5th transfer
17 — the Pin 5х22 (is subject to replacement without fail) |
Order of installation of components of assemblages of primary and secondary shaft РКПП
1 — a coupling Dome
2 — Assemblage of the main transfer
3 — Assemblage of a secondary shaft
4 — the Rod of a plug of inclusion of 5th transfer
5 — the Rod of plugs of inclusion of 1/2 and 3/4 of transfers
6 — Assemblage of a primary shaft
7 — the Pin 4х7 |
8 — the Pin of the lever of inclusion of a backing
9 — Zaglushka
10 — the Lever of inclusion of a backing
11 — a clamp Ball
12 — the Lock spring
13 — the Intermediate gear wheel of a backing
14 — the Pin |
Primary shaft of a transmission
1 — the Internal holder of the conic roller bearing
2 — the External holder conic roller to bearings
3 — the Remote washer |
4 — the Primary shaft
5 — the Internal holder of the conic roller bearing
6 — the External holder of the conic roller bearing |
Components of a secondary shaft of box РКПП
1 — the Lock ring
2 — the Ball-bearing
3 — the Gear wheel of 4th transfer
4 — a synchronizer Spring
5 — the Sliding key of the synchronizer
6 — the Nave sliding муфты the synchronizer
7 — Sliding муфта the synchronizer |
8 — the Lock ring
9 — the Blocking ring of the synchronizer
10 — Assemblage of the synchronizer of 3/4 transfers
11 — the Gear wheel of 3rd transfer
12 — the Washer
13 — the Adjusting washer of 2/3 transfers
14 — a synchronizer Spring |
Components of the mechanism of a gear change
1 — the Sleeve of a rod of a plug of inclusion of transfers
2 — Mufta
3 — the Pin 5х22 (at assemblage is subject to replacement without fail)
4 — the Plug of inclusion of 1/2 transfers
5 — the Thorn of the mechanism of a gear change
6 — a clamp Cracker
7 — the Rod of plugs of inclusion of 1/2 and 3/4 of transfers
8 — the Plug of inclusion of 3/4 transfers
9 — a rod Sleeve
10 — the Lock bolt
11 — the Plug of inclusion of 5th transfer
12 — the Rod of a plug of inclusion of 5-1 transfers
13 — the Thorn of the mechanism of switching of 5th and back transfers
14 — the Directing side scene
15 — the Lining
16 — the Bolt (10 Nanometers)
17 — Trehplechy the lever |
18 — the Pin трехплечего the lever
19 — the Carving stopper with internal шестигранником (30 Nanometers)
20 — the Bolt (17 Nanometers, before installation to grease with hermetic of type Loctite)
21 — the Executive lever of a rod of a choice of transfers
22 — a side scene Finger
23 — the Pin with a spring
24 — the Pin with a spring
25 — the Rod of a choice of transfers
26 — the Sealing ring of a rod of a choice
27 — Pylnik
28 — the Lock spring
29 — a clamp Ball
30 — the Finger of the lever of inclusion of a reverse gear
31 — the Lever of inclusion of a reverse gear
32 — Zaglushka
33 — the Pin 4х25 |
Major repairs - the general information
Major repairs РКПП demand from the executor of a high skill level as assumes performance of exact exhibiting of set of backlashes, by selection of adjusting washers and remote plugs. Besides, internal components of a transmission are difficult enough for finding on free sale, not to mention the high prices for them. In view of all told, composers of the present Management recommend in case of occurrence of problems in functioning РКПП to make its replacement by the new or restored block.
Nevertheless, skilled enough mechanic-fan without effort can execute transmission repair by own forces under condition of presence of the special tool. Remember that all procedures should be carried out strictly in proper order. Do not hasten, fuss, try to pass any trifles.
In number of special tools without which application repair РКПП becomes impossible, nippers for extraction of external and internal lock rings, the complete set of strippers, a hammer with sliding brisk, a set выколоток, циферблатный a measuring instrument плунжерного type and, whenever possible, a hydraulic press concern. Besides, the workplace should be equipped by the big strong workbench with a vice.
In the course of transmission dismantling it is necessary to fix carefully on a paper adjusting position of all removed components for the purpose of a guarantee of correctness of their placing at assemblage.
Before to start dismantling РКПП it is necessary to try to define for itself the possible reasons of taking place infringements. Some problems are accurately enough adhered to concrete knots of a transmission that allows to reduce essentially time for revealing and elimination of defects.
Drive of the mechanism of a gear change
Dismantling and assemblage of control lever РКПП
1. Components of assemblage of a drive of the mechanism of a gear change are presented on an illustration. All given below the reference correspond to the numbering accepted on a given illustration (if other is not stipulated separately).
2. Remove the handle of a control lever (1).
3. Liberate from the panel of the central console and remove from the lever an external protective cover (3).
4. Give a fixing nut and take a bolt (15) fastenings of a control lever to draught of a drive of a gear change.
5. Give fixture of fixing of a jet bar (5) levers on a body and картере РКПП.
6. Remove the bottom protective casing of the lever (4).
7. Lower downwards and remove from the car assemblage of a jet bar with a control lever.
8. Remove a lock ring (10) and a remote washer (11).
9. Having hooked the suitable peaked tool, take from a landing flute in the top plugs of the spherical hinge (13) edges of a rubber sealing ring (12) and knife it. Then take advantage of flat-nose pliers and take the cut ring from a flute.
10. Having hooked a screw-driver, remove from below rubber duster (14).
11. Take the bottom rubber sealing ring втулочной assemblages.
12. From below squeeze out control lever assemblage together with plugs of the hinge of a jet bar.
13. Assemblage is made in return sequence. |
Cover removal картера РКПП, support dismantle
Cover removal can be made also in situ (directly on the car). |
1. Fix assemblage РКПП at the assembly stand.
2. The cover acts in film in gathering with a support of the power unit. In a diagonal order ослабьте also turn out fixing bolts.
1 — the Cover
2 — the Rezinometallichesky plug of a support of the power unit
3 — Bolts of fastening of a cover (25 Nanometers) |
3. Remove assemblage of a cover with a support of the power unit with картера transmissions.
4. Remove forward and back assembly скобы assemblages of a support of the power unit.
5. By means of adaptation MR 3-601 squeeze out резинометаллическую the plug of a support of a cover картера РКПП. |
6. At installation резинометаллическая the support should appear is developed as is shown in an illustration. |
7. Zapressovyvanie plugs it is made by means of adaptation MR 3-602. |
8. Establish a lobby assembly скобу support fastenings (without the welded nuts) from outside a starter, and back (with the welded nuts) - from an opposite side. Tighten a fixing bolt so that assembly скобы have appeared in the top position and were not turned. The definitive tightening of a bolt is made after installation of a box of transfers / the power unit on the car.
1 — the Lobby assembly скоба support
2 — Back assembly скоба support
3 — the Fixing bolt (50 Nanometers) |
Dismantle and installation редукторной assemblages of 5th transfer
Dismantle of a gear wheel of 5th transfer can be made without removal of a box from the car. Thus it is necessary to block the unit by means of adaptation MR 9-502/1. |
1. Block primary shaft РКПП from проворачивания by means of adaptation MR 3-502. If the box is not removed from the car, shaft blocking is made by inclusion of 4th transfer. |
2. Give a nut of fastening of a conducted gear wheel by means of adaptation MR 3-603.
At assemblage the nut is subject to replacement without fail. |
3. Operating in a similar manner, give a nut of fastening of a leading gear wheel of 5th transfer on a primary shaft.
4. Beat out a fixing pin... |
... Also remove a plug of inclusion of 5th together with sliding муфтой the synchronizer. Try not to drop sliding keys, at once having taken out them from the grooves in a nave. |
5. Consistently remove from both shaft components редукторной assemblages of 5th transfer.
6. Installation is made upside-down. At synchronizer installation special value gets accuracy of installation of the sizes of a nave sliding муфты. Under control parametre is the size and, defining distance from an end face of a leading gear wheel to a basic surface of a blocking ring of the synchronizer. Measurement is made with the help циферблатного a measuring instrument плунжерного type to which fixing on assemblage adaptation MR 3-535 is applied. Synchronizers of three dimensional groups are issued:
And = 2.75 � 3.10 (mm)
And = 3.11 � 3.44 (mm)
And = 3.45 � 3.78 (mm)
1 — Tsiferblatnyj a measuring instrument
2 — a synchronizer Ring
3 — the Leading gear wheel
4 — the Tool of MT 3-535
5 — the Shaft |
Dismantle and installation primary/secondary shaft РКПП and assemblage of the main transfer
1. The order of installation of components of primary and secondary shaft in a transmission is shown on an illustration.
2. Dismantle редукторную assemblage of 5th transfer.
3. Unclench and take a lock ring of the ball-bearing. Take away a shaft against the stop inside картера couplings. |
4. Turn out the lock screw.
5. Turn out bolts of fastening of a dome of coupling to картеру РКПП.
6. By means of adaptation MR 3-503 separate a dome of coupling from картера РКПП and clean it aside. |
7. Displacement sliding муфты the synchronizer in gathering with an inclusion plug choose 4th transfer.
8. Turn a rod of a plug of inclusion of 5th and the lever of inclusion back transfers approximately on 15 � counter-clockwise and take it from assemblage. |
9. Take assemblage of an intermediate gear wheel of a backing together with its axis. |
10. Displacement sliding муфт synchronizers together with inclusion plugs choose 2nd and 4th transfers. |
11. Take the remained assemblage of a rod with plugs of inclusion of transfers.
12. Take from картера РКПП a primary shaft and assemblage of the main transfer.
13. Assemblage is made in return sequence. |
Dismantling and assemblage of shaft РКПП
Primary shaft
1. The order of installation of components of assemblage of a primary shaft is presented on an illustration.
2. The order of dismantle of bearings is shown on illustrations.
3. Installation is made in return sequence. |
Secondary shaft
1. The order of installation of components of assemblage of a secondary shaft is presented on an illustration.
2. The order of dismantle of bearings of a secondary shaft is presented on illustrations.
3. Assemblage is made in return sequence. Запрессовывание the roller bearing of a secondary shaft it is made by means of adaptation MR 3-513. The blocking rings which were in the use of synchronizers should be established on a shaft strictly on the former places. Before installation it is necessary to grease blocking rings and bearings plentifully трансмиссионным with oil. Before to start assemblage of conducted gear wheels by 1st � 4th transfers, it is necessary to grease also surfaces of their sliding with plentiful quantity of oil. Try not to mix at installation sliding keys of synchronizers of 1/2 and 3/4 of transfers - they are not interchangeable. |
Adjustment of backlashes in bearings of a primary shaft and differential
Before installation bearings and their landing surfaces are necessary for clearing carefully of a dirt and to degrease. |
1. By means of adaptation MR 3-511 запрессуйте an external holder of the conic roller bearing against the stop in картер couplings.
2. In an aperture under installation of a primary shaft in картере couplings fill the adaptation of MT 3-503/2 and put on it an external holder of the smaller bearing of the conic roller bearing of a primary shaft. |
3. Enclose in картер couplings assemblage of the main transfer with запрессованными in it internal holders of bearings.
4. Put on an external holder of the conic roller bearing of differential on internal and an external ring of adaptation MR 3-530/1.
5. Screw against the stop fixing nuts of adaptations MR 3-530/1 and МР 3-530/2 (without leaving any backlash).
6. By means of adaptation MR 3-511 запрессуйте an external holder of the conic roller bearing большего diameter of a primary shaft against the stop in картер РКПП.
7. On a flange картера couplings establish распорные plugs with a ledge. Распорки it is necessary to establish on the opposite parties in a diagonal order.
8. Spread картер boxes on распорки and fix its bolts with the washers applied in the complete set to the mentioned adaptation.
9. Having enclosed remaining распорки, also fix their screws with washers.
10. Gradually tightening screws in a diagonal order, tighten them with effort of 25 Nanometers, having fixed thereby картер РКПП and the adaptation of MT 3-530.
11. Turn out an adjusting nut of adaptations MR 3-530/1 and МР 3-530/2 so that bearings of differential and a primary shaft were turned with easy resistance (without axial люфта).
12. With the help probeов лезвийного the type, adjusting nuts put in backlashes, define the sizes of necessary adjusting washers both for the main transfer, and for a primary shaft. Adjusting washers of the next thickness are issued:
Differential: 2.0 � 2.7 mm with step of 0.1 mm
Primary shaft: 0.20 mm, 0.25 mm, 0.30 mm, 0.36 mm, 0.60 mm and 0.80 mm
13. Having separated картер РКПП from a coupling dome, take adaptations.
14. In an aperture under installation of the bearing of differential in картере РКПП establish necessary quantity of adjusting washers, achieving the adjusting size of +0.20 mm.
15. By means of adaptation MR 3-511 plant an external holder of the conic roller bearing of differential against the stop in картер РКПП.
16. By means of adaptation MR 3-505 push out an external holder of the conic roller bearing большего diameter of a primary shaft from картера transmissions.
17. In an aperture картера РКПП under landing of the conic roller bearing большего diameter of a primary shaft enclose adjusting washers according to the established size.
18. By means of adaptation MR 3-531 запрессуйте an external holder of the bearing большего diameter of a primary shaft against the stop it in картер РКПП.
19. Check up a pretightness of the bearing of differential by means of adaptation MR 3-531 and динамометрического a key. |
Dismantling and differential assemblage
Dismantling and differential assemblage is made by means of special tools. |
Dismantling and assemblage of the mechanism of a gear change
1. The order of installation of components of the mechanism of switching is presented on an illustration.
2. Dismantling and assemblage of the mechanism of a gear change is made by means of special adaptations. |
3. Assemblage is made in return sequence.
Adjustment трехплечего the lever of the mechanism of a gear change
Aperture deepening in a rod of a plug of inclusion for fixing of the executive lever should be directed upwards. The end of a finger of a side scene should not adjoin to a side scene at moving of a rod of a plug of inclusion (it is reached by position of the executive lever) |
1. Freely screw a bolt (2) preliminary greased with hermetic of type Loctite.
1 — the Executive lever of a rod of a choice of transfers
2 — the Bolt
3 — Trehplechy the lever
4 — the Directing side scene
5 — a side scene Finger
6 — the Rod of a plug of inclusion |
2. Adjust position of the end of a finger of a side scene so that to prevent its contact with a side scene at moving of a rod of a plug.
3. Tighten a bolt (2) with effort of 14 Nanometers.
4. The side scene finger at assemblage is subject to replacement in case of expression расточки under a pin with a spring. |